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Facebook now allows you to make group chats across Instagram and Messenger

Cross-app group chats

Cross-app group chats

According to the official information, Facebook will now allow you to make cross-app group chats between Messenger and Instagram. This is a huge improvement made by a company, to recall this preparation was working from last 2 years. To be able to use the cross-app communications, you’ll have to opt in, and Facebook says that “over 70% of eligible people on Instagram have updated to the new Messenger experience.”

The company is bringing other new features to the messaging apps in addition to cross-app group messaging. Polls will be available in group DMs on Instagram and in cross-app chats so you can, for example, vote on where to grab lunch.

Facebook has added group typing indicators to Messenger, so you can see when multiple people are drafting a message. Facebook is also adding new chat themes to Messenger, including a “cottagecore” theme, one inspired by J Balvin’s latest album, and an astrology theme.

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The introduction of group typing indicators allows users to see when their friends — two or several — are typing at the same time on the apps.

Facebook has also modified the Watch Together feature — launched earlier — which will now let users watch trending videos directly from their Instagram feed together with their friends. Users can start a video chat within Instagram, then scroll to the post they want to share, and then click on the share button and Watch Together.

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