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Huawei: Global IoT scale will reach tens of billions by 2030

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During the 23rd MPLS SD & AI Network World Congress, the IPv6 Summit was held at the Paris Convention Center. Wu Ping, CTO of the European branch of Huawei’s data communication product line, said that the wave of digitalization is sweeping the world. In most countries and regions, the growth rate of the digital economy is more than twice that of GDP, and the impact of the digital economy on the world is more Significant than at any time in history.

Wu Ping said that the rapid development of the digital economy has put forward new demands on traditional IP networks.

The first is massive connections. It is estimated that by 2030, the global IoT scale will reach tens of billions. Supporting massive device access will become an important basic capability of IP networks.

Faced with the above challenges, Wu Ping said that the first step is to solve the problem of massive IP address demand by introducing IPv6 technology. The industry has basically reached a consensus in this regard, but this step alone is not enough.

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