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Mobile phone latest sales ranking: Honor is in the top list.

Mobile phone latest sales ranking: Honor tyrants the hottest mobile phone is it

Mobile phone latest sales ranking: Honor tyrants the hottest mobile phone is it

Recently,  released the mobile phone online shopping list in the first quarter of 2019, in which honor, Xiaomi and Apple dominated the top three brands’ sales list, and Huawei and vivo also entered the top five.

As can be seen from the list, whether it is the single product sales or brand sales dimension, the top rankings are Huawei, Apple, Xiaomi, Honor, etc. The trend of concentration has become more apparent. In a fierce market environment, quality will be a key factor for manufacturers to capture the hearts and minds of consumers.

The list shows that honor is the double crown of the list. In the first quarter, its brand was the first in sales in Jingdong, and its honor 8X became the crown. Starting from 1299 yuan, the thousand yuan screen honor 8X has 6GB+128GB large memory, 20 million AI dual camera, powerful processor and other performance advantages.

In addition to the excellent performance of domestic brands, Apple phones are still very popular. In the Top5 product list, Apple has two seats, the second iPhone XR and the fifth iPhone X. This may be related to Apple’s adjustment of the Chinese market pricing strategy at the beginning of this year.

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