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Powering Tomorrow: Huawei-PetroChina Alliance for Intelligent Energy Solutions

Huawei founder and chief executive Ren Zhengfei recently met senior executives from PetroChina amid efforts by the nation’s largest oil and gas producer to step up its low-carbon energy initiatives.

The key focus of the discussion was to set the low-carbon energy, highlighting their progress towards peak carbon emissions and their ambitious goals for doubling the contribution of low-carbon energy to their total output capacity within the next two years.

The collaboration between CNPC and Huawei has yielded significant advancements, particularly in the development of a cognitive computing platform named E8.

Past collaborations between Huawei and PetroChina were also highlighted, including their joint efforts in building PetroChina’s first comprehensive energy service station in Beijing, integrating various energy services with non-energy businesses.

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