Huawei to release ChatGPT rival

According to the information, Huawei is getting ready to launch the Pangu Chat that directly targets ChatGPT. The Pangu model was successfully approved in Huawei Cloud in November 2020. This “Pangu Chat” is expected to be released and internally tested at the Huawei Cloud Developer Conference ( HDC.Cloud 2023) to be held on July 7 this year.

It is developed based on Huawei’s self-developed MindSpore framework. Overall, the PanGu-Σ large model may be close to the level of GPT-3.5 in terms of dialogue.

Huawei Pangu model was officially released in April 2021, and was later upgraded to version 2.0 in April 2022. At present, the NLP large model, CV large model, and scientific computing large model (meteorological large model) in the AI ​​​​large model have been marked as coming online.

According to reports, this is the first Chinese pre-training large model with 100 billion parameters, and the CV large model has reached 3 billion parameters for the first time. Pangu CV Large Model The largest CV large model in the industry, it is the first to achieve both discrimination and generation capabilities, and it is the industry’s first in the small sample learning ability on ImageNet; the Pangu meteorological large model provides second-level weather forecasts; Zidong Taichu is the world’s first map , text, and audio three-modal large model.

Huawei to release ChatGPT rival

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