Huawei: Future flagship models will still be launched as planned

At the Huawei 2020 annual report conference, Huawei’s vice chairman and rotating chairman Hu Houkun said that the mobile phone business was greatly affected last year, and the supply situation this year is still Unclear, so it is difficult for us to predict. Hu Houkun said that the flagship models launched every year as planned will still be launched as planned.

In the next few years, Huawei mobile phones will still maintain their status in the market. Although the market sales of Huawei mobile phones will gradually shrink in 2021, new models are still attracting attention.

Judging from Huawei’s statement, the flagship phone business will not stop, and flagship models such as Huawei Mate and P series will continue in the next few years. This also implies that Huawei will still have a place in the high-end field in the future.

In the first half of this year, Huawei’s flagship machine is the P50 series, which is expected to be equipped with Sony’s largest-ever CMOS sensor IMX800, and at the end of the year it will be the Mate 50 series.


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