Huawei ranks first in 5G mobile market share, vivo ranks second

According to the latest report from the research agency, as of the end of 2021, the market share of 5G mobile phones in the smartphone market has reached 28.0%, an increase of 2.3 times compared with the market share of 8.5% at the end of 2020.

The data shows that Huawei continues to lead the domestic 5G mobile phone market with a market share of 29.2%; Vivo ranks second with a market share of 15.4%; iPhone 5G mobile phones continue to explode in popularity with a market share of 14.1%, ranking third, compared with 2020 at the end of the year, it ranked sixth in terms of market share, up to three places; OPPO ranked fourth with a market share of 13.6%; Xiaomi ranked fifth with a market share of 11.4%.

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The daily interactive analysis counts the market share of new 5G mobile phones in 2021. The higher the new market share, the higher the popularity of the brand. The data shows that in the whole year of 2021, Huawei is still the number one brand of domestic products in the minds of the Chinese people. Its 5G mobile phone has a new market share of 22.8%, ranking first; iPhone ranks second with a new market share of 17.5%. , although its mobile phone models are not many, its new market share is among the best, showing the strong brand influence of iPhone; Vivo and OPPO ranked third and fourth; Xiaomi ranked with a new market share of 12.6% fifth.

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