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Huawei 2020 Plan, 6 Strategies, HMS & More



Huawei 2020 Plan, 6 Strategies, HMS

Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, sent a new year letter to all employees. The first sentence of the letter was deafening: “Some people, even when facing the light, will always see difficulties; some people, no matter how difficult they are, always see hope.”

Huawei is committed to building Huawei Cloud Service (HMS) this year. It now covers more than 170 countries and regions around the world and has 400 million monthly active users.

For Huawei 2020 Plan Yu Chengdong put forward Six Strategies for Huawei mobile phones:

1.HMS (Huawei Mobile Services) and Hongmeng OS

Yu Chengdong says, with the help of HMS Core, Self-developed chips and own operating system Hongmeng will help us to achieve our goals.


Huawei has introduced its HMS so-called Huawei Mobile service in China. HMS includes useful applications for smartphones. For now, the company released two public beta applications — Huawei Mobile Services and HMS Core.

The new features on the app now include Huawei accounts, applications internal payment system, message notifications, wallet service, among others.

HMS core App: Games, Fido & Safety, Purchase, Identity, Scan, Nearby, ML, and other apps.

Quick Single: Huawei HMS Core Scan Kit

2. 5G and Smart things


In the next five to ten years, Huawei’s will focus on the smartphone market as its core, it will build tablets, PCs, VR, smart wearables, smart screens, smart audio, smart speakers, car machines, and IoT.

Huawei is preparing to launch brand new silicon chip Kirin 1020. On the other hand, some report claims it will be called the Kirin 1000. Huawei’s next flagship SoC and the Kirin 990, likely arriving in next year’s Mate 40 series.

According to the recent report, Huawei’s Kirin 1020 processor is code-named “Baltimore”.  The chipset will be built with TSMC’s 5nm process for better power efficiency and more stable performance.

Huawei is rumored to use ARM’s Cortex-A77 cores with the Kirin 1020 instead of Cortex-A76 cores it retained with the Kirin 990 and Kirin 990 5G. This helps Kirin 1020 to easily gain a 50% performance improvement over its predecessor.

Related: Huawei is expected to sell 100 million 5G phones in 2020


3. Experience and R & D

He pointed out that the Huawei must accumulate breakthroughs in long-term competitiveness in software, OS, chips and devices, radiofrequency and communications, camera, display, audio, and AR / VR, and must also resolutely increase R & D investment in the most difficult times.

4.Team temperament

Yu Chengdong believes that working with a team, we can make any impossible thing possible. Huawei will work on the talent part and brings a new idea that will help to grow company simultaneously.

5.Security and privacy


Yu Chengdong proposed that network security and privacy protection are Huawei’s highest guidelines. Privacy and legal compliance are the most basic behavioral requirements for each employee.


Yu Chengdong warned employees that Huawei’s consumer business is in a period of rapid growth, but the faster it develops, the more vigilant it must be, and resolutely establish integrity. Every employee should always be grateful and do not suffer from difficulty.

Ren Zhengfei (Huawei CEO) said in an interview with CNN that, the company has an ambitious “Plan B”. “I believe we can build our own global ecosystem in the next two to three years.”

RelatedHuawei CEO ; We have a very ambitious Plan B


Ren Zhengfei emphasized that “if the US does not allow its technology companies to provide us with products, we have other options,” he added, “if these options become mature and stable, I don’t think we are likely to cooperate with US companies anymore.”

Below Huawei’s Yu Chengdong 2020 New Year letter:

New Year’s Letter to Huawei Consumer Business Staff 2020

Some people, even when facing the light, always see difficulties; some people, no matter how difficult they are, always see hope.

The roar of 2019 is coming, and 2020, full of hope, is coming. At this moment, our hearts are more powerful than ever! Standing on the new 2C track eight years ago, facing huge challenges and challenges, we firmly believe in “creation and change destiny”, and with the awe of the king, we have created every impossible. Today, history once again pushes the consumer business to the inflection point of “surviving and building a race track”. We are even more convinced that Huawei people can determine their own destiny.


Under the extreme external environment and pressure, the consumer business in 2019 maintained rapid growth and exceeded the operating goals set at the beginning of the year! Huawei’s smartphone shipments are expected to exceed 240 million units in the year, ranking second globally.

Unusual climbing is the passion and persistence of global suppliers and partners, the regretless trust of consumers in Huawei and the Glory brand, the persistent love of pollen friends, and the lighting of the torch, let us go more firmly . We only have the intention to make better products, and thank you for your love and support with the ultimate product quality, experience and service feedback.

This year, EMUI software’s rapid upgrade service strengthened consumer confidence, Huawei’s user loyalty and service satisfaction remained the industry leader, and the user’s net recommendation value (NPS) continued to increase. Forbes Global Brands Top 100 List, Huawei ranks 97th, and is the only Chinese company on the list. In the Chinese market, Huawei ranks first in terms of brand recognition and consideration, and maintains the lead.

We persist in innovating to enhance product competitiveness, and have made a number of technological breakthroughs in communication, performance, OS, photography and other fields, and have been well received by mainstream media and consumers worldwide. Mate X won the MWC2019 Best New Connected Mobile Terminal Award for its folding screen design and innovative interactive experience; Kirin 990 5G chip for the first time in the Mate30 series, realizing the industry’s strongest AI computing power and enhancing the 5G experience; P30 series perimeter super The zoom lens rewrites the camera function. The P30 Pro won the title of the best smartphone for photography in 2019 in the TIPA Awards known as the “Oscar” in the photographic equipment industry. Global shipments of Mate and P series flagship smartphones exceeded 44 million units, an increase of over 50% year-on-year; Nova was favored by young people in trendy fashion and achieved mid-range continuous leadership, and the Enjoy / Play Series led to a rapid increase in word-of-mouth share Honor maintains growth in sales share and continues its position as the number one brand of Internet mobile phones in China.

The smart full-scene ecology created for consumers has been further improved. EMUI 10 enhances the multi-scenario and multi-screen collaborative experience. Innovation in various fields leads the industry: MatePad Pro designed with 90% screen-to-body ratio, and MateBook X with features such as “one touch”. Pro, smart screen with AI smart eyes, Sound X created by Dewari, WATCH GT with 2 weeks of long battery life, FreeBuds3, the world’s first semi-open noise-cancelling TWS headset, and smart glasses with Gentle Monster for the first time Launch and get market affirmation. In 2019, Huawei’s tablets, PCs, audio and smart accessories, smart wearables, 5G connected terminals, home routing, and HiLink ecology all achieved varying degrees of growth.


With the enthusiastic support of global partners, developers, and users, Huawei Terminal Cloud Services (HMS) has developed rapidly, covering more than 170 countries and regions around the world, with 400 million monthly active users, and Huawei HMS Core has achieved a number of innovative services.

The next few years will be a key strategic turning point for consumer business. We face the dual challenge of “running against time while solving business continuity while achieving innovation leadership”. People tend to overestimate the short-term effects of strategy implementation, and conversely underestimate the amazing power of a strategy for three to five years or more. Huawei is a long-distance runner. As long as it is strategic enough to persist and break through, after the most painful period, it will usher in a new round of outbreak and glow more powerful vitality!

In the new year, the external environment becomes more uncertain, and the real test of ours has just begun. A firm and clear strategic direction and a team that dares to fight will be the key to our survival and a better life:

Resolutely build HMS and Hongmeng ecology, rebuild the track, restart the Long March:

With survival as the bottom line, priority is given to solving overseas ecological problems. The overseas cloud service takes ecology and experience as the core, does not pursue short-term commercial benefits, and gradually restores the total amount of overseas business in a few years. At the same time, it accelerates the construction of HMS Core capabilities and lays a solid ecological foundation. With the terminal as the core forging platform capability, through the win-win situation of intelligent hardware and developer ecological innovation, a new system of “self-developed chip + Hongmeng OS” is formed. We insist on building a shared ecosystem with companies all over the world, open cooperation with global suppliers and partners, and unswervingly embrace globalization!


Seize the opportunity of 5G, take the lead in innovation, and be the true king of the smart scene:

2020 is the first year of large-scale development of 5G, and the age of AI is already here. If we want to win the future, we must lead the way in 5G and AI! In the next five to ten years, the whole scene of wisdom will be our unswerving long-term strategy. With smartphones as the core, we will build tablets, PCs, VR, smart wearables, smart screens, smart audio, smart speakers, car machines, IoT, etc. Ecology, and create a seamless smart living experience for consumers. Among them, IoT, wearables, accessories and other fields have been accelerated to accelerate overseas, supporting the survival and development of overseas transition periods; the Chinese market must seize the 5G opportunity, give full play to the advantages of the Huawei + Glory dual brand, and further enhance Huawei’s high-end brand image. Take the lead. Retail is the most important experience position of the full-scenario strategy. In the future, we will build a high-end retail system of Huawei to bring more pleasant smart experiences to consumers.

Build long-term competitiveness, experience is king, and make great products for consumers:

Taking consumer experience as the core, attaching great importance to consumer word of mouth, listening to consumer voices, and paying close attention to quality, brand, experience and service are our constant pursuits. We have to make great products that can bring consumers a disruptive experience, and innovation is the soul of experience. To be truly powerful, we need to be in software, OS, chips and devices, radio frequency and communications, camera, display, audio, Accumulate breakthroughs in long-term competitiveness such as AR / VR. Even in the most difficult times, we must resolutely increase investment in research and development, continue to incubate new technologies and new industries, and maintain the vitality of innovation. At the same time, we must cooperate with suppliers and industry partners to achieve continuous and safe supply and contribute to the ecological prosperity of the entire industry. .

“Three points strategy seven points style”, team temperament determines how far we go:


The rapid development of consumer business over the past few years has gradually cultivated a combat team daring to pursue and make breakthroughs. The combat style of a team from commander to grassroots is the key to a great cause. In the new year, executives at all levels must fully establish strategic self-confidence, dare to lead the team to take on challenging goals, and jointly build a strong team style. In terms of talents, we will continue to adhere to the elite + elite strategy, test the team with actual combat, promote cadres in the fire line and trenches, eradicate mediocrity, start with managers, persist in entropy reduction, and inspire team vitality. Encourage bold innovation in talent introduction, aim at the best practices in the industry to improve the quality of interviews, and select creative and value-matched peers to the outside world; internally dare to use people who have individuality and angularity, but dare to innovate and work hard. In terms of organization, the organization of similar items is merged, efficiency is first, human resources are invested around key battlefields during wartime, and business continuity is prioritized. Incentive resources are tilted to the middle and grass-roots level who are responsible for key projects and business responsibilities. The chief officer and the team to fight together and win is the biggest incentive for the team.

Network security and privacy protection and compliance operations are the highest standards:

Network security and privacy protection is the highest program of Huawei. We are committed to protecting consumer privacy with the most advanced technology and building a privacy protection brand trusted by consumers. Sincerity and legal compliance are the most basic code of conduct requirements for each employee. We must base our duties, value customers and partners’ requirements, and maintain awe, and we must not ruin our common cause due to low-level mistakes.

Adhere to the bottom line of values, always be grateful for adversity:

Values ​​and culture are the cornerstones of the company’s long-term development. The consumer business is in a period of rapid growth. We have seen that some very good employees and even supervisors have been left behind because of issues of values, and some of the guidance that has been promoted over the years are being diluted. Righteousness! Consumer business must establish a guiding atmosphere that dares to tell the truth, dare to do practical things, dare to take responsibility, and is honest and honest. Every employee should always be grateful, and don’t suffer from adversity or adversity. “Get more help than help, but not help.” Give back to the helper in time. If you accidentally cause damage to others, you must make up for it as soon as possible.


This year, the more difficult it is, the more precious it becomes. We feel that the high morale and determination of all employees to remove their blood and blood and to move forward is to build a dyke of confidence in the front line of the red-eyed and hard-wearing iron skeletons. Huawei brothers always unite and help each other Give us charcoal in the snow, and countless families and family members silently contribute to the warmest day for us. I would like to express my deep respect and thanks to everyone!

Global shipments of Huawei smartphones have risen to TOP2. If there is no external pressure, we may soon reach the top in the world, but the long-term competitiveness may not be the strongest. Now extreme environments force us to build stronger core capabilities, and we see huge opportunities for growth. In the past few years, the consumer business has continuously exceeded its annual business goals, which is 1-2 years earlier than the original plan. In the future, even if the business growth slows down, we are still confident that we will complete the five-year strategic goals previously set on time. !!

Along the way, everyone’s solid performance has proven that we are a team with strong combat effectiveness, can work side by side with you, always cherish the sincerity to the great pursuit, and always love the consumer, is lucky, yes Glory is more proud and moved! In the new year, the terminal iron army will definitely defend its promise with actual actions again, and victory must belong to us.

On the way, why fear thorns, the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak.

In 2020, the brave start again!


I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Yu Chengdong

Huawei Consumer Business Management Team

December 31, 2019



Astronauts took the Huawei P50 Pro to space




Astronauts took the Huawei P50 Pro to space

Recently, Chinese astronauts have taken the flagship Huawei P50 Pro to space initiated to share some selfies of up there….!! Huawei P50 Pro smartphone in space is just rock, specifically for the International Space Station (via Huawei Central). The dual camera ring design of the phone is clearly visible in the images. As a Chinese astronaut shared some pictures from the Space Station. Which showcased the P50 Pro in his hand taking the phone there.

Also, the phone is pictured within a controlled atmosphere of the space station. Take it to outer space and it will likely destroy itself with its own heat due to lack of cooling. These images might suggest that the smartphone is capable of functioning even in space, but that is unlikely. Modern smartphones are designed to be used in Earth’s atmosphere. While certain functions like the camera and touch may work. There is no chance for signal reception and calling.

The Huawei P50 Pro runs on HarmonyOS and has a 6.6-inch OLED display with 1.07 billion colors, 120Hz refresh rate, and 2700 x 1228p resolution123. It is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 4G processor with 8 CPU cores. Also, a maximum clock speed of 2840 MHz14. It has a 4360mAh battery that supports 66W wired and 50W wireless charging1.

Additionally, it has a quad camera setup on the back with a 50MP main sensor and a 13MP selfie camera on the front1. It is dust and water-resistant up to 1.5m for 30 minutes3. Also, it measures 158.8 x 72.8 x 8.5 mm and weighs 195g235. It comes in black and gold colors.

Astronauts took the Huawei P50 Pro to space

Astronauts took the Huawei P50 Pro to space


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Huawei Recognized as a Customers Choice in 2023 Gartner Peer Insights




Huawei Recognized as a Customers Choice in 2023 Gartner Peer Insights

In the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer for Primary Storage for its OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage, Huawei was recognized as a 2023 Customers’ Choice. That too with a 100% user recommendation rate and a full score of 5.0 based on 214 reviews, Huawei steal the heart of customers.

Showcasing the Huawei OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage played a part in the evaluation process. Covering industries from a wide range of economic sectors, including telecommunications, manufacturing, services, and so on, the product was reviewed by hundreds of customers worldwide in various regions.

Over 150 countries and regions including Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific, Huawei OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage is now utilized. Where it provides reliable services to industries such as finance, telecommunications, government, and public utilities.

Huang Tao, President of Huawei All-Flash Storage Domain, is convinced.

“We are grateful for the global community’s continued support and recognition, as Huawei’s primary storage is once again regarded as a ‘Customers’ Choice’. We believe this recognition is the highest form of affirmation from our valued clients, and it serves as a driving force fueling our persistent efforts towards further improvements.”

“In our commitment to innovation, we will focus on crucial aspects such as reliability, ease of use, and security, while continuously investing in technologies to offer our clients more efficient, stable, and intelligent storage solutions that accelerate their digital transformation.”


Huawei Recognized as a Customers Choice in 2023 Gartner Peer Insights

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US required more money to get rid of Huawei equipment




US required more money to get rid of Huawei equipment

The cost of removing the Huawei equipment has risen since Huawei and ZTE have been declared as national security threats due to the practice of spies. The US wants to completely spare Chinese tech giant equipment from the county while campaigning to get rid of them.

The US imposed sanctions on Huawei equipment in 2019. The FCC was granted $1.9 billion in funding to help carriers replace Huawei and ZTE equipment with alternatives, in 2021. In the present year, it is estimated that the US needs more money to completely fulfill the job. i.e. another 3.08 billion dollars to bring the project to completion.

Why does America need more money to get the job done?

The US will spend a total of 5 billion dollars on infrastructure replacement if additional costs do not appear in between. The compensation is for carriers with more than two million users, in the first line. However, due to the lack of funds, the FCC decided to set priorities.

The US is also pressurizing European countries to do the same, apart from the fact that the US having a lack of funds in the same stream. So far, only Sweden and the UK have obeyed. Other countries continue to do business with Chinese companies, and currently, 41% of European 4G infrastructure relies on Huawei technology.  The complete replacement of Huawei infrastructure will last until 2027 as later predicted.

What about other countries?

Following the US  sublines some EU countries decided to go their own way despite the fact that the US needs more money to get rid of Huawei. Germany, Poland, Portugal, and Austria continue to use Huawei equipment for the 5G network as well.


Berlin rais hand to be self decision-maker in the line, about whose equipment it will opt for. Meanwhile, they’ll not give in to American pressure. As other the recent report disclose that the operator Vodafone in Germany alone would spend 2.8 billion euros to replace Huawei’s equipment.

US required more money to get rid of Huawei equipment


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